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The Schufftan Process was developed by Eugene Schufftan, who managed the special effects on the film and created the Process specifically to address Lang's desire to have actors moving around in his majestic miniatures. Basically, the process uses specially cut or altered mirrors. One section of the mirror would be de-silvered or otherwise made transparent. Actors would stand, specially positioned to appear the appropriate size, behind the mirror, and a miniature would be placed so the camera would capture its reflection in the mirror. The camera would be aimed at the mirror.Whatever was reflected in the mirror would be combined automatically through the camera's eye with what it could see through the mirror.The process has been used on films since, even as recently as the Lord of the Rings trilogy! Sadly, matte painting accomplishes roughly the same effect but is significantly convenient and versatile, since both the items of footage need not be lined up and filmed at the same time. Here are two more informative diagrams (to make up for my lame one):Credit for finding these pictures (along with a very informative breakdown of the process) goes to
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